37 weeks and 3 to go...maybe
On Sept 12th I had a regular appt just to check to see how the baby was progressing and an ultrasound to see how big he was. Well he is big. I was @ 35 weeks then and he was over 7 lbs and breech. So the doc and I discussed some options. I got home and talked to my hubby about things. We decided to go ahead and have a C-section for the safety of the baby and me. The doc does not think I will make it to my due date of Oct 14th. At this point I don't care, I am ready for this baby to be here.....lol. I had another appt last Tuesday. The baby has turned, so he is no longer breech, but he is still big. The doc gave me no indication that she would induce. It still sounds like I might have a c-section. Which I am still very nervous about. Well, what can ya do right. I would rather have the c-section than push and push for hrs, just to have an emergency c-section. Ya know what I mean. So that's what's going on here. I have another appt on Friday. Hopefully we will have a clearer picture then as to what is going to happen. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
How he gets here doesn't matter (I can say that since I'm not in your shoes) but the fact that he will finally be here after all the years of waiting that you guys did will be worth whatever option you and your Dr. choose. I can't believe you're out there, away from all of your long-time cheer leaders and we won't see him till he's even bigger.
? Jen
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