My doc appt
I had my doc appt a lil bit ago. They took a measurement of the baby, and stupid me forgot to ask how big the baby was....uuuuggghhh. So anyways, the baby is still measuring big, so they want to do another ultrasound on Sept 12th. So Keep your fingers crossed that Aiden is not to incredibly big! I am just a lil nervous about it. Hey, what can ya do right!
Congratulations, Manda!
A hug from the otherside of the Atlantic. :-)
You better start reading all that stuff I sent you so you can be prepared if you're recommended for a c-section. !!! They 'threatened' me with that for Leah since Trey was over 9lbs. Either that, or you can be induced if his lungs are mature enough.
That outfit is too cute. Did she get it at the uniform shop?
41 Days!!!!! If I'd thought about it (or knew in enough time) I would have had Chanda bring some stuff out for ya. Now you have to wait on me to actually make it to the post office. Heehee!!!
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